Virtual Portfolio
Programs and Services Approach
At the core of my approach to program and service strategy, design, management, and continuous improvement is a two-part framework. The first part involves breaking down the program or service into its life cycle stages, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the various components involved. The second part is applying crucial lenses to each stage, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned with the same mental models, able to assess group dynamics and manage power and influence towards desired outcomes. Naturally, this framework continues to evolve and change but these are some constants I've observed over the years.
An opportunity, need, or idea presents itself that could benefit from a program or service. This serves as the initial purpose. The catalytic spark.
Program or service is designed.
A detailed program or service plan is established.
Alignment between key stakeholders is finalized to ensure the success of the program or service.
Program or service is launched and management begins.
Program or service is continuously improved with strategic learning applied in real-time and captured for further action.
Program or service is closed out or enhanced so the cycle begins again.
Organizational alignment
Community engagement
Adult learning
Intersectional racial equity
Trauma informed and harm reduction
Results based accountability
By applying these lenses, we ensure that programs and services are grounded in community needs and assets, rooted in anti-oppression principles, and co-owned by those most affected by the issue(s) or opportunities at hand. Additionally, we prioritize translating DEI commitments into measurable and accountable action, so that we can track progress and make adjustments as needed.